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Operadores Matemáticos en postgreSQL

Operador Descripción Ejemplo Resultado
+ addition 2 + 3 5
- subtraction 2 - 3 -1
* multiplication 2 * 3 6
/ division (integer division truncates results) 4 / 2 2
% modulo (remainder) 5 % 4 1
^ exponentiation 2.0 ^ 3.0 8
|/ square root |/ 25.0 5
||/ cube root ||/ 27.0 3
! factorial 5 ! 120
!! factorial (prefix operator) !! 5 120
@ absolute value @ -5.0 5
& bitwise AND 91 & 15 11
| bitwise OR 32 | 3 35
# bitwise XOR 17 # 5 20
~ bitwise NOT ~1 -2
<< bitwise shift left 1 << 4 16
>> bitwise shift right 8 >> 2 2

Funciones trigonométricas

Función Descripción
acos(x) inverse cosine
asin(x) inverse sine
atan(x) inverse tangent
atan2(x, y) inverse tangent of x/y
cos(x) cosine
cot(x) cotangent
sin(x) sine
tan(x) tangent

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